carte europe

Strasbourg is now a European capital. This situation is the result of a rich and complex history, which is reflected in the collections of Alsatian libraries. They contain many treasures that bear witness to the peaceful, and sometimes more warlike, exchanges between European powers.

Since the beginning of the rebuilding of Strasbourg collections in 1871, there has been a marked interest in the study of Northern European civilisations, such as Scandinavia and Baltic territories. The projects carried out within the framework of Numistral underline the importance of Nordic studies in Strasbourg, where the university has built up collections that are now a reference in France alongside those held at Sainte-Geneviève library and Caen university libraries.

European history is also marked by wars, including World War I. The BNU (National and University Library) participated in the Europeana Collection 1914 - 1918 project, which brought together more than ten national libraries in order to makewith the aim of making available to the public thousands of documents relating to the Great War: soldiers' memoirs, historians' accounts, written press, trench newspapers, photographs and maps

Europe is also a geographical space that can sometimes be difficult to grasp. While its western border is well defined, its eastern border is more fluid, depending on political, economic or cultural interests. It has proved necessary to map this vast area, which stretches from the ocean to the Urals, with the partial digitisation of the cartographic holdings of Alsatian libraries. This questioning of the margins of Europe is also present in the literary collections held in the libraries, with projects focusing on centralmedieval Europe and the borders limits of the continent.

the collections

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    Svea rikes håfder

    Histoire et civilisations nordiques

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    illustration un voyage au cap nord

    L'Europe et ses marges

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    Kämpfer hinter der Front

    Première Guerre mondiale

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    Cartes d'Europe et du Rhin supérieur

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    Scandinavian maps

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    European posters

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    Maps of Ukraine

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         Bericht von Gröhnland, gezogen aus zwo Chroniken : einer alten Ihslandischen, und einer neuen Dänischen

    Scandinavian books

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    Svea rikes håfder

    Histoire et civilisations nordiques

    La bibliothèque du Département d’études scandinaves de l’Université de Strasbourg comporte des ouvrages précieux d’une signification internationale.
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    illustration un voyage au cap nord

    L'Europe et ses marges

    Les textes de cette collection reflètent les contacts diplomatiques et commerciaux, voyages et missions, enquêtes ou reconnaissances savantes qui ont contribué à la production d'un discours sur ces « confins » de l'Europe, entre intégration et mise à distance. On voit ainsi l'Europe face à la Moscovie médiévale, les monarchies ibériques face aux régions reprises aux musulmans, Venise face aux Slaves du littoral dalmate, le « mirage russe » de l'Europe des Lumières, ou bien l'utopie nordique et la passion méditerranéenne de l'Europe bourgeoise et industrielle du 19e siècle.
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    Kämpfer hinter der Front

    Première Guerre mondiale

    La période de la Première Guerre mondiale, charnière dans l’histoire de l’Alsace, est particulièrement bien représentée sur Numistral. La Bnu a numérisé plusieurs milliers de documents : 215 livres, une dizaine de manuscrits, plus de 150 volumes de journaux, près de 6 000 affiches et documents iconographiques, 27 partitions et livres musicaux, 30 cartes et plans ou encore 460 monnaies et médailles.
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    Cartes d'Europe et du Rhin supérieur

    Le projet Cartes anciennes du Rhin supérieur a été mené en 2006 dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec les bibliothèques du réseau EUCOR, Confédération des Universités du Rhin supérieur.
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    Scandinavian maps

    The National and Academic Library (BNU) boasts 340 maps: 60 maps of Scandinavia as a whole and 280 of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Other regions include Iceland, Svalbard, Greenland, and the Arctic region.
    Mostly from the 16th to the 19th centuries, these older maps were engraved by renowned cartographers, like Mercator, Ortelius, Janssonius, Homann, etc. and conjure up images of Vikings, myths, and fantastic beasts.
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    European posters

    Bought from a private collector and expanded since, these 5,000 European posters come from many countries, and not just the European Union. Most posters were printed between the late 20th century and nowadays, and cover the topic of Europe in its broad definition: institutionnal posters, political posters (e.g. for the European Parliament's elections), posters on the early development of the European Union (e.g. on the Marshall Plan), posters on European history, culture, and economics.
    A sample of this collection, which has been showcased during many exhibitions, is now available for online consultation.
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    Maps of Ukraine

    The National & Academic Library (BNU) keeps about 40 maps of Urkaine. These are mostly older maps from the 17th to the 19th centuries, signed my renowned cartographers like Blaeu, Seutter, Lotter, Janssonius, and Homann.
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         Bericht von Gröhnland, gezogen aus zwo Chroniken : einer alten Ihslandischen, und einer neuen Dänischen

    Scandinavian books

    The National & Academic Library (BNU) keeps more than a thousand rare documents from before 1800, either about or published in Scandinavian countries (40% of books were published in Denmark or Sweden). These books were for the most part donated when Karl August Barack, first Director of the BNU, made a public appeal to rebuilt the collections after the fire of 1870.