The Religion Universe is composed of religious manuscripts, papyrus and printed texts regarding a great variety of religions. It includes a remarkable collection of some twenty manuscripts of the Rhenish Mysticism, for example the spiritual works of Henri Suso, Master Eckhart, Jean Tauler and Rulman Mershwin (14th and 15th centuries). Among the printed books is a corpus of Christian apocrypha published between 1499 and the beginning of the 20th century in all languages, ancient or modern, or French Protestant press titles from the 19th century. Fragments of Hebrew manuscripts (15th - 18th centuries) from the Cairo Genizah which were scattered in the 1950s can be found in this Religion Universe. War sermons of the First World War are digitized in the World War I collection.
From Coptic to Hebrew, from Alemannic to Old Slavonic, from Greek to Old Irish, the Religion universe includes a variety of languages and writing systems.
The National University Library and the theology faculties of the university of Strasbourg library were rewarded with the CollEx-PERSEE label for the quality of their collections.
the collections
Mystique rhénane
Apocryphes chrétiens
Presse protestante francophone
Genizah du Caire et autres fragments hébraïques
The Jacques & Raïssa Maritain library