Locomotive "Thann" de Stehelin et Huber

Railway pictures

The manufacturers from Mulhouse were pioneers in the expansion of French railway. 2011 saw the inauguration of the Rhin-Rhône TGV line, and the opportunity to showcase the rich collection of railway lithographs, maps, vignettes, and travel guides that are conserved at the academic library of the Société Industrielle de Mulhouse.
Vignette manufacture Hudson

Industrial photography

This unique collection gathers photographs of industrial buildings and landscapes, predominantly from the works of Pierre Fluck, lecturer and researcher at the University of Upper Alsace (UHA) and co-director of the CRESAT research centre, who specialises in the archeology of industrial machinery. The remaining 10% of photographs come from the works of various CRESAT members. These 16,000 pictures are divided into two collections: a regional iconography collection, and a collection on industrial sites spanning 16 European countries and North America.
Page de titre d'une thèse

Theses from the University of Strasbourg

We have been digitising past theses submitted to the University of Strasbourg.
This collection will soon extend to all theses defended until 1939 (end of year), for as long as these works are copyright-free.
     Bericht von Gröhnland, gezogen aus zwo Chroniken : einer alten Ihslandischen, und einer neuen Dänischen

Scandinavian books

The National & Academic Library (BNU) keeps more than a thousand rare documents from before 1800, either about or published in Scandinavian countries (40% of books were published in Denmark or Sweden). These books were for the most part donated when Karl August Barack, first Director of the BNU, made a public appeal to rebuilt the collections after the fire of 1870.
Praxis rerum criminalium, Damhouder

Legal sciences

The legal collections from the University of Strasbourg and the National & Academic Library (BNU) complete one another both in volume and diversity.

The Jacques & Raïssa Maritain library

The BNU keeps the documents from the personal libraries of philosopher Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), his wife Raïssa (née Oumançoff - 1883-1960), and her sister Véra Oumançoff (1886-1959).