He organised workshop classes in ceramics, gold- and silversmithery, ironwork and woodworking and strived to bridge the gap between fine arts and crafts.
He regularly published portfolios, such as Das Tier in der Dekorativen Kunst (1896), Naturalistiche Dekorationsmalereien (1897), and Kunstgewerbliches Skizzenbuch für Metall-, Glas-Industrie und Keramik (1899). He managed, along with Friedrich Leitschuh, the publishing of the art review Das Kunstgewerbe in Elsass Lothringen, spreading out the teachings of his school as remakable examples of ornamental craftsmanship. In 1901, he published Die Kunstgewerbeschule in Strassburg im Elsass und ihre Entwicklung, a richly photo-documented history of the school.
The present collection of books and ornamental plates is the first known complete collection of Anton Seder's printed works. It gathers resources from several Strasbourg organisations: the library of the Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), the library of the Strasbourg Museums, the city's Public Records administration, and the National & Academic Library (BNU).