Page de titre d'une thèse
We have been digitising past theses submitted to the University of Strasbourg.
This collection will soon extend to all theses defended until 1939 (end of year), for as long as these works are copyright-free.

Copyrighted theses can be viewed in the thematic collections Arts, Literature & Musicology and Sciences & Medicine, with additional conditions (see conditions).


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Legal sciences

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The legal collections from the University of Strasbourg and the National & Academic Library (BNU) complete one another both in

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Le fonds ancien antérieur à 1918 est composé d'environ 1 300 ouvrages et de 805 partitions. La collection d'ouvrages est

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Sciences de la Terre ...

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Les sciences de la Terre et de l’univers ont une longue tradition d’excellence à Strasbourg. Le premier enseignement de géologie